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N Roben Singh

KMA Extends a Helping Hand: Providing Financial Assistance to Victims of Ethnic Clashes.

In the face of adversity, communities often reveal their true strength through acts of compassion and unity. Such a heartwarming story unfolded recently as the Karnataka Meitei Association (KMA) reached out to offer vital financial assistance to the grieving families of two victims, (Late) Laipujam Inao Meitei of Takhel Makha Leikai and (Late) Khoirom Meiraba Meitei of Ethai Barrage, who suffered profound losses due to ethnic clashes in Manipur.

A Community United :

In the wake of the tragic events that befell these two families, KMA, stepped forward to extend its unwavering support. The association recognized the grief and suffering endured by the victims' families and felt compelled to alleviate their immediate burdens during these trying times.

Extending a Lifeline :

As a symbol of solidarity and compassion, KMA offered financial assistance of Rs. 10,000 (Rupees ten thousand only) each to both families. This gesture aimed to provide some respite from the financial challenges they were facing as a result of their immense losses.

The financial assistance, though a small part of the healing process, carries a profound message of community care and support. It serves as a reminder that, in times of distress, we are not alone; we have a community that stands beside us.

Emphasizing Unity :

KMA's commitment to supporting the victims' families does not end with this initial assistance. The organization has vowed to continue its unwavering drive to stand with the affected families. This promise underscores KMA's dedication to the well-being of its community members.

A Call to Unity :

In the spirit of unity and compassion, KMA extends an earnest appeal to individuals, organizations, and others to join in this noble humanitarian effort. The road to recovery for these families may be long and arduous, but with our collective support, we can help ease their journey.

A Precautionary Note :

Karnataka Meitei Association (KMA) would like to take this opportunity to emphasize that we endorse or support fundraising efforts in our KMA Bank Account and QR Code only. It kindly requests that no one raise funds in the name of KMA to avoid any confusion or misrepresentation.

The heartwarming story of KMA's support to the victims of the two families, (Late) Laipujam Inao Meitei and (Late) Khoirom Meiraba Meitei, stands as a testament to the power of community and compassion. In these difficult times, let us remember that we are stronger together and that even small acts of kindness can make a world of difference in the lives of those in need.

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Great job KMA...


Sep 25, 2023

Thank you KMA for your continuous support towards the victims of this recent ethnic clash. Praying for peace.

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